This film was sold to me by a
friend. “Basically, it’s Batman and JLaw with that guy from the ‘A’ Team and a
British chick.” Sounds marvellous. But then I discovered it was directed by
David O. Russell. His previous movie “Silver Linings Playbook” was one of my
top five films of 2012 and won Jennifer Lawrence her first Oscar. [Note to
future reviews – expect heavy bias in favour of the fabulous Jennifer Lawrence.
Especially as she is scheduled to be in four movies this year!] Now I was
starting to get excited.
In the late 1970’s con artists Irving
Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) are in a tight
squeeze. They have been caught red handed by FBI agent Richie Di Maso (Bradly
Cooper) and given an ultimatum – go to prison or work for him to catch corrupt
public figures. Things soon spiral out of control as the scheme ensnares the naive
but loved Mayor Carmine Polito (Jeremey Renner) of New Jersey. As the scope of
the trap is widened, Irving and Sydney get caught in a crush between their
Federal handlers and the mob. They must now pull off their greatest con yet;
but not for cash, this time it’s for their lives.
When the advertisements ended and
the movie began we already get taken in by the magic hands of David O. Russell.
You know those intros at the start of a movie were you see a short graphic for
the film studio and special effect company? Well it took me a minute to realise
that they were not sparkly new nor did the screen itself look particularly
sharp. Realisation was slow in coming. Emersion! From BEFORE the credits, the
director is immersing the viewer into the late 1970’s. It never losses this
edge. “American Hustle” could have been made in 1978. Fact. It looks and feels
it the whole way through. Magic stuff!
Where to start talking about the
cast? Just like “Silver Linings Playbook” this is a character driven film. With
a punchy and smart script, a director who can herd humans into being humans,
this was going to be a job! Bradley Cooper. Bradley what the hell Cooper. This
is the guy from “The ‘A’ Team”, the “Hangover” trilogy and “Wedding Crashers.”
When the hell did he learn to act and why did no one tell me? [Note – I have
wanted to right this since seeing “Silver Linings Playbook” but didn’t have a
blog back then]. He rocks it out as Di Maso. We are never quite sure if our FBI
agent is smarter than the conning couple, a moron who got lucky or if in fact he
is completely crazy. Or maybe just a small guy grabbing his chance to be big.
Either way, you can never quite hate Di Maso and part of you will cheer for him
(he is trying to stop political corruption after all).
Christian Bale still manages to
own ‘leading male’ despite a comb over to die for and a pot belly. First off,
great makeup. Secondly, a fantastic performance. However, Bale does it again
and manages to not be the best male actor in a movie. This is a Christian Bale
thing. I’m not sure if its bad luck, a lack of definitive presence or in fact
great acting. Maybe he is so good that the movie becomes camouflage forcing the
viewer to find something shinny like the Joker or Matthew McConaughey chasing dragons. Either way, Cooper dominates more in
a supporting role.
Amy Adams first appeared on my radar last year as Lois Lane in “Man of
Steel.” I hope to see more of her after this movie! Adams nails the role of
female lead. This is essential because “American Hustle” is about two con
artists. It is so easy to think of couples as single entities’ but she brings a
different energy to the natural man of the people role filled by Bale. Her sexiness
and vulnerability are all crucial to the con trade and Adams gives it her best.
Great stuff. Also, side boob. In about half her scenes. Seriously. Good stuff.
In one trailer for the movie, Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer
Lawrence) was introduced by her husband
as being “The Picasso of passive aggressive karate.” Now not only is that a beautiful
line but it would be written on the side of her action figure packaging to
boot. Lawrence has already won a Golden Globe for her performance in this
movie. A second Oscar might be on the cards too. Brilliant performance. I could
say more about her performance but it would all be good.
I don’t want to go on about the whole cast but special mention to Jeremey
Renner and Robert De Nero. The script and director gave them a stage to shine
and the actors to bounce off. Well played.
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Bradley sandwich. Now with the
best bread in town!
“American Hustle” is a cinema treat. We are always left guessing over who
is really being hustled. It even begins with the audience. Two characters get
voice overs during the introduction stage. This is usually a treat reserved for
the protagonist so by having two actors do it we are not quite sure who’s movie
this is. This is a film about hustling. Get over it! It’s going to get you to
think one thing while doing something else. It’s going to show you one side of
a character but not the other. There is a lot going on and you have to keep up.
Perhaps too much. What do I mean? When researching the film I discovered that
it was a comedy drama. This surprised me. I had laughed many times during the
movie but never would I have called it a comedy. On reflection I have changed
my opinion, but this shows just how heavy the movie is. You have a film with so
much substance to take in that your mind is engaged for the entire viewing.
This active enjoyment is somewhat draining after two hours. But back to
hustling. One of my friends asked me “Why is it called ‘American’ Hustle?” Good
question. Hustle would have done just as well. After thinking about it I think
the name is another angle of the story and one which Christian Bales character
answers on screen. We all hustle for different reasons. Our two main characters
do it to make money and then to survive. But always there is a sense that they
are doing everything they can to ‘make it.’ We never quite focus on the people
their scams ruin. Because it’s not their problem. Why the American Hustle? Because
it’s just another side to the American Dream.
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Just a picture of Jennifer
Lawrence dancing to “Live and Let Die” while cleaning. Deal with it society!
Once again I feel I have panned a movie I loved. Go and see this film.
The story, acting, script and music are fantastic. It is genuinely entertaining
and engrossing.
I give “American Hustle” four and a half Brian faces out of five.
Nice one. I might not agree on a lot of your opinions on this one (Mainly about the cast and who is leading) but I enjoyed the movie very much. Jeremy Renner - he is definitely shining here after loads of supporting, being in the background and not very visible roles. I seriously had to IMDB him to check where did I see him before. He is awesome. He did not get enough credit here. Lawrence is sold - but a small part - I would be really surprised if she gets Oscar for it. I have not see her competitors yet except for Sally Hawkins in Blue Jasmine. But the part is just too small in my opinion. She is one sexy cat tho.
ReplyDeleteChristian Bale was amazing. Kinda reminded me A LOT of Jeremy Piven in Smokin' Aces.
This part is definitely wiping off his image of American Psycho from my mind. Something I was trying to fight to see every time he was on a movie poster.